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Camila Simonin is an artist-researcher and a PhD student at the department of Performance Studies at Northwestern University. She holds an MA in Performance Studies from NYU and an MA in Dance Studies from UFRJ (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro). In her academic work, she has been interested in the contemporary far right as a transnational political movement. In the project, she pays special attention to how these political leaders mobilize nationalist projects and ideas such as progress and freedom in addition to their mobilization as a social movement in protests. By looking at the actions on the far right today as social choreography, she questions what is left to do in opposition to the rise of authoritarianism and democratic erosion. With this mind, her project also aims to question the meaning of political art-making in these times as actions of aesthetic resistance. She has participated in conferences in and outside of the United States and has published papers in international journals, such as IDyM (Investigaciones en Danza y Movimiento) in Buenos Aires. In her artistic pieces, she mainly works as a theater director and performance artist. Camila has been awarded in theater festivals in Brazil, having shown most of her work in Rio de Janeiro, Chicago and New York.
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